Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This was the original picture to Adobe Photoshop. I found it on the PAA digital art blog. I like the fact that there are many things to choose from in the photo. I can choose the rings, flower and the envelope. I like that the envelope's inside is red, so that catches my eye also. So do the rings on the white background and the bright pink/white flower.

I photoshopped it and this was the result. I wish I had cropped in the rings too, but I decided to focus on the flower instead. I like how I made the white petals sort of stand out more, and the inside part of it was darker to become more in the background. I made the darker colors not insanely dark and the lighter colors more vibrant and bright. The petal detail is still showed, even though I did make the white almost impossible to differentiate between the envelope and the white petal. I tried to make the flower as eye-catching as I saw I could do without making the petals insanely dark.

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