Friday, December 17, 2010

Brittany Finch...

Talk to me.... even though you're right here in the chair to my right.
yes... this may seem what the "cool kids" call "lame". but you know.... uh..... yeah..... so talk to me!

<3 you!


    I COMMENTED. AND IT DELETED IT. or something
    I said.
    "I'm proud that you found me. and this isn't lame in any way, shape, or form." :D
    I love you too.

  2. yeah... you started freaking out. i think i was calm.... =P
    why thank you. i'm proud of me too. it took a while.
    yay! i'm not... that.... lame... right?
    i love you tooo! like as much as becca plays robot unicorn attack. yeah. that much. ^-^

    i'm unhungry.

  3. well... that makes us opposites.
    and that's cool. :D
    haha. good. be proud of yourself!
    own that ponytail, work that updo!
    psh. no, thoust aren't lame.
    wow. that's a lotta love.
    and i'm guessing that's a lot. :P
    yeah. 'cause I ate your cookie. Because you offered it to me. heheh.

  4. WORK THAT UP-DO! you have a ponytail. you must take charge or something.... =P

    okay good. that makes me happy.

    yeah. it is....

    and i said merry christmas. =)
