Monday, December 6, 2010

Thankful Poster

For my poster, I wanted to create the concept of someone drawing on unused polaroids taped/pinned on a cork-board. Each of the drawings represent what reminds me of them.

Note: Nina is the one with the crown. Jeremy is the standing, green silhouette.


  1. wow this is really cute. The way you made it look like its on a tack board is unique and i really like the font. The balance of the pictures is nice and the how you wrote specific people is cute.

  2. your idea is super cute and unique, i love it. i really like how you made something different for each of your friends. the only thing i would change is adding "im thankful for" or something somewhere

  3. i really like yours. it's different. i like that you put more names of people that you're thankful for instead of actual things like other people (including myself) did.

  4. I really like that it looks like a cork board for the back ground, and then each individual picture for each person is different and means something to you. I also think that your tape/tacks add to the poster and that none of them are quite the same. and I like that Nina and Jeremy are bright green and blue.

  5. I like how you put little pictures in for all the people your thankful for.

  6. I think it looks off balance in a good way, how all the white pieces of paper are tilted except two. One thing i noticed is that everything is a person except music. I think it is over populated with people names. Maybe just have one piece of paper with peoples names and the rest with non-peopley things.

  7. Lauryn, your poster is super cute. The little individual drawings you made are well thought out, and are very unique and creative. The extra elements you added, like the tape and tacks, definitely add even more character.
    One thing that kinda threw me were the colors of Nina and Jeremy. Ha, I LOVE how you drew them, but since it seems like you were kind of going for the man and woman symbol, I think it would make more sense for Jeremy to be blue and Nina to be pink.
    The balance works in your poster, and probably one of my only suggestions would be to create a sense of depth to your thumbtacks. :)
